Thursday 22 October 2015

Pocket Merchant
The Pocket Merchant is an hour-long performance of Propeller Theatre Company's full-length 2009 production of The Merchant of Venice.  This production features an all-male cast and was shown at the Town Hall Theatre in Hartlepool on the 21st October 2015.  
As this production is a much shorter version of the original this production puts all of the focus on Shylock's story, removing the comedy and romance elements of the full play.  This means that the play becomes a drama focusing on the court case highlighting the main themes of racism and anti-semitism.

Jon Trenchard plays both the female characters; Jessica and Portia.  When asked when portraying Jessica did he not wear any shoes he replied "It gives me a feeling of submission - the feeling that people can step on your toes."  The costumes for each different character were representative of each person with the prisoners all wearing a plain blue shirt with their names on the backs in order to be identified.  One key point about the costumes that stood out for me was the suit that Portia wears in order to blend in during the court scene.  This was of a different colour to that of everyone else, instantly standing out, but it was also too large for the actor and was meant to signify that she was a woman wearing a mans suit and so it highlighted her smaller figure.  

On Tuesday 20th October a group of us went to see the film Suffragette; a filming following the story of a fictional women in 1912 who falls in with the women of WSPU, The Women's Social and Political Union.  
Baker/ Dean/ Paul -
I found that the film was well executed with the costumes and sets appearing very realistic and helping to capture the general mood of the film with dark, dull colours that represents the women's suppression.  Costume Designer Jane Petrie worked on this film and she tried to source and use as many original items as possible meaning that some of the costumes are over 100 years old.  The central character Maud Watts, portrayed by Carey Mulligan, starts of as a laundress working in a factory.  Petrie explained of her costume that "everything has a sort of sag to it, but there's no weakness" with her clothes being made of heavy material and being unstructured.  However, once Maud has joined the Suffragettes her clothes become brighter and she is seen wearing more hats.  

I found that this film wasn't what I expected it to be in the fact that the storyline was very focused on a single woman and didn't show the bigger fight that the women had.  I felt that the film could have included more of the elements that people are familiar with; for instance the attacks on Buckingham Palace and the 'Cat and Mouse Act'.  

Sunday 18 October 2015

Costume Daily

The costume daily is generally hired on a day-to-day basis and their main role in the costume department would be helping in crowd fittings for large groups of extras and standbys.  They are usually responsible to the costume designer or the costume supervisor.  To be a costume daily you will need to have many of the same skills that are required to be a production runner but also include:

  • being able to work long hours and have stamina
  • be able to read and understand call sheets and schedules 
  • understand the research process and how to source things
  • be able to reassure actors as you dress them
  • have the skills needed to care and maintain costumes 
  • know about different fabric qualities and know about period costumes 
  • be adept at ironing, steaming and adapting garments as well as hand and machine sewing
Costume daily's tend to work with the extras to ensure that their costumes match their physiques and they may need to take photos of the costumes for continuity.  They would work closely with the supervisor to ensure that the costumes are ready for the next day of filming.


Pickering War Weekend

On the 17th of October a few students and I went to the Pickering War Weekend.  I was pleasantly surprised to see so many people not involved with the preparations also dressed in period costumes with a large degree of accuracy.  Walking through the streets of Pickering there were several vintage stalls selling all manner of things from shoes, coats and hats to old books and gas masks.  

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Production Runner

Many peoples starts in the industry come through the route of the Production Runner; this job involves working in the office, on set or on location dealing with any jobs that the production may require from answering the telephones and getting lunches to keeping the sets clean and the props organised.
Image result for production runner

To be successful in the job you will need to have quite a few skills ranging from:
  • being well-organised to know where props/ people are when needed,
  • being able to think quickly and come up with solutions to any problems that arise,
  • be able to communicate with different people,
  • be able to carry out any tasks that you have been given whilst also being tactful and diplomatic,
  • being punctual is key to this role as productions are often fast paced,
  • enthusiasm is needed for this role as many tasks could become repetitive,
  • working under the pressure of a deadline is very important in this role as mistakes could affect the process,
  • having good IT skills is helpful when working in the admin departments,
  • this role requires you to be able to work without supervision and be able to solves problems yourself,
  • being versatile and willing to learn is a key point in this role as there are many jobs that fall under the title of Production Runner.  


Thursday 8 October 2015

The Bowes Museum

On the 30th of September went visited the Yves Saint Laurent: Style is Eternal exhibition at The Bowes Museum.  This is the first exhibition of his work held in the UK and includes elements of his fashion and his life.  

I found that the detail that went into each of the pieces worked together in order to develop the pieces and combine all the elements to create a singe outfit.  
 Practically every outfit that Yves Saint Laurent has created included intricate design work that displays the thought process behind the creation of each outfit.