Thursday 22 October 2015

On Tuesday 20th October a group of us went to see the film Suffragette; a filming following the story of a fictional women in 1912 who falls in with the women of WSPU, The Women's Social and Political Union.  
Baker/ Dean/ Paul -
I found that the film was well executed with the costumes and sets appearing very realistic and helping to capture the general mood of the film with dark, dull colours that represents the women's suppression.  Costume Designer Jane Petrie worked on this film and she tried to source and use as many original items as possible meaning that some of the costumes are over 100 years old.  The central character Maud Watts, portrayed by Carey Mulligan, starts of as a laundress working in a factory.  Petrie explained of her costume that "everything has a sort of sag to it, but there's no weakness" with her clothes being made of heavy material and being unstructured.  However, once Maud has joined the Suffragettes her clothes become brighter and she is seen wearing more hats.  

I found that this film wasn't what I expected it to be in the fact that the storyline was very focused on a single woman and didn't show the bigger fight that the women had.  I felt that the film could have included more of the elements that people are familiar with; for instance the attacks on Buckingham Palace and the 'Cat and Mouse Act'.  

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