Friday 11 December 2015

Visiting the Victoria and Albert Museum

V&A Entrance Hall

For a week at the beginning of December we went on a trip to London with our University.  One of the first places that we went to see was the Victoria and Albert Museum.  Although the museum covers practically everything in design and all periods of history we chose to look more closely at the fashion and theatre sections.

I really found the fashion section interesting because the room goes around in a chronological order making it much easier to see how the fashions changed and developed.

For the Regency section of the room the clothes were placed in front of a painted wall designed to resemble the countryside and show the setting that the clothes would have been seen during the time. 

What I find most useful about the layout of the V&A museums exhibition is the inclusions of the underwear that would have been used to create the fashionable silhouette.  This crinoline caught my attention when looking  around because of the brightness of the red fabric used.  I would have thought that the undergarments would have been a lighter more natural colour.  

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