Friday 25 March 2016

Private Lives - Digital Theatre
After watching a live production of Private Lives in Bath I then went on to purchase a live production from Digital Theatre.  This version features Anna Chancellor and Toby Stephens as the divorcees Amanda and Elyot with Anna-Louise Plowman and Antony Calfe as Sybil and Victor.
 This image above is very similar to an image of the production in Bath and so it is easy to see the comparisons between the productions.  One major similarity between the two versions is that Sybil is wearing a skirt/dress in both where as Amanda, who is a much stronger, more modern character, can be seen wearing trousers to highlight their differences.  One thing that I noticed that is different, and I'm unsure whether this was intentional, is that in the Bath production the trousers and skirt of married couple Sybil and Elyot appear to be made of the same material where as in this production above Elyot's colour scheme more closely resembles that of Amanda; which I feel works to show that these two characters are more suited to each other.
Similarly in this image both the characters are wearing dark colours showing the connection between them that occurs during this scene in the play.  On the other hand in the image below, of a scene that is between the two images above, Amanda and Elyot are in contrasting black and white colours as I feel that it represents the separation and differences that the characters are feeling in this scene.

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