Saturday 26 March 2016

Based on the 1998 book 'Stardust' by Neil Gaiman.  The costumes for the film were designed by Sammy Sheldon and the film is set in Victorian England and the magical land of Stormhold.
The costumes from the image above are the first costumes that these characters wear.  The dress that Yvaine (Claire Danes) is wearing is quite plain and a shimmering silver Valentino silk fabric.  This dress works well for her character as the fabric catches the light and reflects it back off giving the impression that she is a star.  The smooth, shimmering fabric of Yvaine's costume drastically contrasts the costume of Tristan (Charlie Cox) as his is an earthy brown colour that blends in with their surroundings where hers stands out.  The cut and fabric of his costume is also much more realistic and accurate for the Victorian setting whilst Yvaine's costume appears more otherworldly; representing the fact that she is a Star and not actually Human.
This costume above is that of Lamia (Michelle Pfeiffer) the main villain and witch of the film.  According to one interview with Sheldon her costume is based more on a renaissance style and her costume is inspired by the Greek origins of her name: she is half human, half snake, intent on devouring children.  This link between her name and costume is seen in the colour green, which is often associated with snakes and the small pattern that gives the impression of scales.
When it came to dressing the seven princes of Stormhold Sheldon and director Matthew Vaughn didn't want to stick with the traditional images of princes; rather they wanted to give them a more cowboy, swashbuckling appearance.  To identify each of the individual princes each of there costumes has their respective number somewhere on their costume.  Prince Septimus (Mark Strong) on the left here includes his number VII embroidered in rows on his waistcoat whilst also including his number on each of his buttons.  

His brother here to the right, Prince Tertius (Mark Heap) as the third brother has his symbol III as a more simple decoration around the edges of his coat.  The colours on his costume show that  he is more of a showy prince and prefers being in the castle, unlike Prince Septimus who is more adventurous and unkind.
These costumes above are the costumes that Yvaine and Tristan spend the majority of the film wearing.  In an article with the costume designer she says that they "used blue because we felt that if Yvaine was faced with a row of dresses, she would be drawn to something the color of the sky".  This costume that Tristan wears is much better fitted and more fantasy based costume than the brown costume of before.  This choice was made to show that he is changing from a simple, clumsy village boy into an adventuring, dashing hero.  

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